Dru – Woman, Mother, Grandmother, and all around bada$$

Join Jennifer and Jason as they talk with one of Jennifer’s oldest friends, Dru.  Tune in as we recall Dru’s life as a mother and grandmother, her trials and tribulations, and how it felt to get 2 grandkids days apart from her son from 2 different baby mommas.  Sit and nosh on some chips and salsa with us as we try a little Patron Silver tequila and dream about smacking our dumb kids.




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Cellphones – Satan himself couldn’t have made a more terrible machine

Join Jason and Jennifer as we lament about the convenience, magic, and horror of cellphones, and why we don’t want our kids to ever have them.  Be a fly on the wall as we complain about how much the idea of cellphones scares us, how they are inevitable yet terrible, and how we with our crap memories can live without them. Come have a snifter of Tennessee Legend bourbon and nibble on some Nutella biscuits as we whine and moan about the horrors of cell phones.


Follow us at:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/guidetopoorparenting/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/poorparentpod

Twitter: https://twitter.com/poorparentpod

Memory – It’s called Mom brain, and who are you again

Join Jason and Jennifer as we try to recall all that we know about memory, and how even though we’ve always had bad memories, it’s only gotten worse.  Drop in on our conversation as we recall how we’ve always had crappy memories, how it’s only gotten worse, and how at this rate we’re gonna forget our kid’s names  Imbibe a little orange flavored rum with us as we nibble on some Costco S’Mores and try to remember why we became parents in first place.


Follow us at:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/guidetopoorparenting/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/poorparentpod

Twitter: https://twitter.com/poorparentpod

Lindsey – Parenting through the eyes of an adoptee

Join Jennifer and Jason as they chat with one of Jason’s longest lasting friends, Lindsey.  Listen as we chit chat about Lindsey’s life as an adoptee, a mother of three, and the joys of parenting kids in the LGBT+ community.  Come have some girl scout cookies and a whole lot of vodka tonic as we discuss parenting, long lasting friendships, and our f**king kids.




Follow us at:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/guidetopoorparenting/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/poorparentpod

Twitter: https://twitter.com/poorparentpod