Catherine – Single mom’s are a special kind of tough

Join Jennifer and Jason as they chat with an ex-neighbor and friend of the pod, Catherine.  Listen as we discuss the joys and pains of single motherhood, absent fathers, and creative children.  Come sample a gin and tonic plus a little goat cheese on a baguette with some vodka soaked grapes, as hear all about Catherine’s journey as a mom.

Hygiene – When do children finally learn to smell their own stank?

Join Jason and Jennifer as we lament about stinky children, who are apparently nose blind to their stank.  Listen as we discuss being the stinky kid in school, why boys and girls are equally gross, and why puberty is a stinky hell scape.  Come have even more Costco wine from the advent calendar and Tate’s Bake Shop- Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies and help us figure out why children are so disgusting.

Chores – When letting them sit in their own filth doesn’t always work

Join Jason and Jennifer as we discuss the infuriating fight that lasts till their out of house, Chores.  Listen as we talk about what chores look like and don’t look like in our houses, why one of us is definitely a better housekeeper than the other, and how sometimes you just want to do it yourself because the kids do such a crap job.  Come have some more Costco wine from the advent calendar and some more Pretzel Crisps (I’m running out of ideas here, please help) as we figure out how to make our kids clean up their nasty rooms.

EJ – The wonderland of NOT having kids

Join Jennifer and Jason as they chat with a good friend of theirs, EJ.  Listen as we delve into the wonderland that is NOT having kids, and how wonderful it is to just be the fun gay Uncle.  Come have an Old Fashioned and some mixed nuts as you listen these mixed nuts try to figure why the hell we decided to become parents